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The code was originally on an R-forge repository.

CorReg’s Concept

This package was motivated by correlation issues in real datasets, in particular industrial datasets.

The main idea stands in explicit modeling of the correlations between covariates by a structure of sub-regressions (so it can model complex links, not only correlations between two variables), that simply is a system of linear regressions between the covariates. It points out redundant covariates that can be deleted in a pre-selection step to improve matrix conditioning without significant loss of information and with strong explicative potential because this pre-selection is explained by the structure of sub-regressions, itself easy to interpret. An algorithm to find the sub-regressions structure inherent to the dataset is provided, based on a full generative model and using Monte-Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) method. This pre-treatment does not depend on a response variable and thus can be used in a more general way with any correlated datasets.

In a second part, a plug-in estimator is defined to get back the redundant covariates sequentially. Then all the covariates are used but the sequential approach acts as a protection against correlations.

This package also contains some functions to make statistics easier.


install_github("CorReg/CorReg", build_vignettes = TRUE)


Once the package is installed, a vignette showing an example is available using the R command:

RShowDoc("CorReg", package = "CorReg")


CorReg is developed by Clément Théry with contributions from Christophe Biernacki, Gaétan Loridant, Florian Watrin and the A106 team: Quentin Grimonprez, Vincent Kubicki, Samuel Blanck, Jérémie Kellner.

Copyright ArcelorMittal




Model-based covariable decorrelation in linear regression (CorReg): application to missing data and to steel industry. C Thery - 2015,